Monday, March 19, 2007

Blarney Castle...

Thursday was my roommate's going away party, so we went out in Cork for the night. I definitely over did it and suffered the consequences all day Friday. Luckily I could work from the apartment and didn't have to go into the office to suffer. Friday night we went down to the south shore of Ireland, to a port city called Kinsale. We had dinner at a really nice place called Man Friday. I'll have to head down there during the day time, as it's right on the water and is supposed to be real nice.

Today, I picked up my Opal Astra rental car and decided to take a trek to the Blarney Castle, since it's only about 15 minutes from Cork. I have posted about 50 pictures of the castle and surrounding areas on my Pictures site, so make sure to check them out. I was worried about the weather, as it was gray out all day long, but it held off and I was able to tour the whole grounds of the castle without getting rained on. The castle is pretty cool...very claustrophobic though. The stairwell going up to the top was barely big enough for me to go up. I ended up kissing the Blarney Stone, so we'll see if any good luck comes my way.

On the way back from the castle, I took a detour through some little city outside of Cork and really put my opposite side of the road driving to the test. The streets here are generally narrow, but these roads were two way roads, but with room for only one car. I was lucky I never met up with a car coming the opposite direction halfway down a street...could have been very interesting. We'll see how the weather is tomorrow... maybe I'll go down to Kinsale to take some pictures of the water and a fort down there.

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